Saturday, 6 January 2018


original article by;
by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News
There are treatments that can heal vaccine damage, but few physicians in the conventional medical care system know about them, since vaccine injuries are usually denied as the cause of any illness. Some parents with autistic children report that homeopathy has completely reversed their children’s autism and healed other serious health conditions caused by vaccines. This article explains how homeopathic remedies can bring about healing for many types of vaccine injuries.
Homeopathy is not the only treatment that has helped children and adults recover from vaccine damage, but it is the one that is the focus of this article. I will describe how homeopathy can bring about a true cure for the harm that vaccines have caused to children and adults.
The National Vaccine Information Center states a very sobering fact about vaccines:
“Every vaccine recommended for use by government and doctors has been associated with hospitalizations, injuries and deaths. There is no guarantee that a particular vaccine will be safe to give to a particular individual and will not result in permanent injury or death.” [1]
Vaccine Damage Takes Many Forms
It is a tragedy when a normal young child suddenly starts losing the ability to speak sentences or even to speak words after receiving vaccines. The ability to have positive social interactions with other children or adults can disappear in a matter of days after vaccines have been given to children.
Intellectual development can be lost and even successful potty training skills can disappear. The ability to sit quietly, listen to a story being read, and the ability to learn can suddenly be replaced with hand flapping, body spinning, head banging, food allergies, asthma, agitation, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, chronic colds and fevers, constant stomach pain, constipation, and a general failure to grow and thrive.
There are also serious consequences for adults who use vaccines. Formerly productive adults can lose their independence and become paralyzed, infertile, chronically ill, and even die, because of vaccine damage. It happens every day, yet few people make the connection between their illnesses and vaccine use.
Please see the previous article on identifying vaccine damage for additional information:
Have You or Your Children Been Damaged by Vaccines?
Hope for Recovery from Vaccine Related Illness
In most cases, physicians who give vaccines completely deny any relationship between vaccines and the negative health effects that people observe. Most physicians will insist that vaccine damage is extremely rare and will insist that the changes are just coincidence. [2] Faced with this denial, it often takes years for people to put all the pieces together.
By the time parents fully awaken to the harm that has occurred to their children, many have already resigned themselves to a lifetime of caretaking their disabled children. Some parents will even receive counsel from their physicians to give up their children to the care of the state, because they have no treatments to offer and can offer no hope of recovery. Some physicians will try to convince parents that this is a genetic problem that might be cured someday, but not in the near future.
The conventional medical care system leaves parents feeling like helpless victims without any good options.
The truth is there are good options for restoring health after vaccine damage, and homeopathy is one of them!
What is the History of Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a complete system of healthcare which has been used to successfully treat all types of illnesses for over 200 years. Its popularity rose rapidly in the early 1800s because it safely cured people of conditions that allopathic physicians could not cure through the standard treatments that were used during that time.
Homeopath, Amy Lansky, PhD, former editor of the journal of the North American Society of Homeopaths, and author of Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy, described the techniques that characterized medical treatment in the late 1700s and early 1800s. This was the time period when homeopathy was developed. She stated:
The most popular treatments tried to encourage sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding via cutting of veins (venesection) or the application of leeches, or the creation of blisters to draw inflammation from one part of the body to another. Sedation via opiates was also popular, as was the use of toxic doses of mercury in the treatment of venereal diseases. [3]
Homeopathy and homeopathic remedies have been successfully used to treat and cure all forms of illness for over two centuries. It has been proven to cure all forms of physical illness, mental illness, and developmental problems. This system of healthcare can safely treat people when they are sickened by infectious diseases during epidemics, and it can reverse and cure the harm that vaccines have done to people. Even animals benefit from homeopathic veterinary treatment.
Amy Lansky provides us with this historical perspective about homeopathy. She states:
It is amazing that a medicine that was such an intrinsic part of 19th century America became nearly forgotten in the 20th. Pioneers carried homeopathic medical kits as they traveled across the continent. Indeed, homeopathic remedies were often the only effective medicine available to them. The first American domestic manual (a medical reference for use in the home) was a homeopathic reference — The Domestic Physician, published in 1835 and written by Constantine Hering, MD, the father of American homeopathy. [4]
Vaccine Damage is Not a New Phenomenon
Source: The Historical Medical Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
The harmful consequences of vaccine use are not new. Some physicians observed vaccine related damage in their patients as soon as the smallpox vaccine began to be used in the first part of the 1800s. People were harmed by vaccines at that time, and they continue to be harmed today. [5] Doctors who used vaccines at that time were pressing for mandatory vaccinations while homeopaths were raising the red flag of warning about vaccination dangers.
Homeopath, Kate Birch, RSHom (NA), CCH, CMT, author of Vaccine Free: Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Disease with Homeopathy, describes what one of the early nineteenth century homeopaths believed about vaccination. Kate Birch described his conclusions as follows:
Burnett argued that vaccination, as practiced by Pasteur and Jenner (who developed the cowpox vaccine) using material doses, would eventually end in disaster because it was temporary protection. It did not individualize the dose to the strength of the individual and it brought long-term chronic consequences. He argued also that vaccination would actually increase the mortality rate because, in addition to the vaccinosis [adverse reaction to vaccine] incurred, if the person also caught the disease the prophylaxis was intended to prevent, they were more likely to die from the disease than if they had just caught the disease without the vaccination. [6]
Homeopathic physicians in the 19th century observed that some people never got over the effects of vaccinations and stayed in a poor state of health. Their immune systems could not clear the infectious materials from vaccination, and they stayed chronically ill. Chronic illness that can last a lifetime is the most common consequence of vaccination. Vaccinations can also cause other latent diseases to appear, or worsen pre-existing illnesses. [7]
Source: The Historical Medical Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
200 years later, people are still getting sick from vaccinations. Some become totally disabled, and some are dying from the adverse effects of vaccination or from the actual diseases that the vaccines were intended to prevent.
To read more about the history of homeopathy in America, and how the American Medical Association and the pharmaceutical industry eventually took over America, see:
American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America
Testimonies of Healing from Vaccine Damage
It is not hard to find testimonies on the internet from parents who have witnessed their children be cured from autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, pervasive developmental delays, non-existent speech, failure to communicate or respond, rage attacks, inability to learn, inability to socialize, severe food allergies, asthma, intense anxiety, obsessive compulsive behaviors, and intense levels of digestive system pain. Homeopathy is one method that has brought about these permanent cures for children and adults.
Adults who were injured from vaccines are not usually stuck in developmental prison in the same way as children. Their confinement is caused by chronic disease and disability. Adults experience fatigue, depression, brain fog, various types of pain syndromes, inability to digest food, high sensitivity to environmental toxins, high sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, and numerous other factors. They often find it necessary to seal themselves in a protective bubble of social isolation in order to maintain a partial level of normal functioning. Survival is about avoiding the next toxic exposure that could come from any direction – contaminated food, contaminated air, contaminated water, contaminated clothing, contaminated housing, etc.
An Example of Vaccine Injury and Recovery from the Tetanus Vaccine
If you search for recovery from vaccine damage on the internet, you will find many testimonies from people who recovered from adverse reactions to vaccination. I selected the following testimony from a very long list of testimonies on a popular website.
Annette Liberty posted the following testimony on January 29, 2014. She described what happened to her after she received the tetanus booster vaccine in 2001. The vaccine reaction caused paralysis and activated a latent case of Lyme disease. She was disabled by the combination of both conditions. Annette stated:
On December 5, 2001, I became paralyzed from the waist down and was bedridden for 7 months. Three weeks before this happened I had a tetanus shot because I had cut my finger and required stitches. What a mistake that was. I was seriously ill with a fatigue that lasted many years, but more intensely during those first 7 months and could hardly make it to the bathroom or take a shower. I saw 9 doctors, including a neurologist at Stanford and one at the University of California San Francisco. No one knew what was wrong and they didn’t want to see me again, because they could not find anything in my blood tests.
I sought out healers. I started to see an herbalist. I was desperate. After 7 months, I could go back to work part time but could not walk more than about 50 steps a day. I could not stand more than 30 seconds without pain up and down my legs. The leg and walking problems lasted for several years.
After 2 ½ years my herbalist was the one who discovered it was Lyme. I went to a Lyme specialist who confirmed it with a more intense blood test. I was on cocktails of powerful antibiotics for 3 ½ years. They made me very sick and did not help much, but it was all I had.
I then heard about Dr. Ronald D. Whitmont in Rhinebeck, New York (and New York City) through my herbalist. … Dr. Whitmont is an MD and classically trained homeopath. … During my first conversation with him, I felt like I had come home. Dr. Whitmont was very understanding, supportive and calming. We talked for a couple of hours and he told me which homeopathic med to take.
I was nervous to stop the antibiotics fearing I would get very ill again. I started taking the daily homeopathic remedy. [At first] I felt a little sick, but after 30 days on homeopathy, I was out of pain and felt good. Unbelievable!
It’s been several years [since I started using homeopathy], and I’m almost back to normal. I think homeopathy is a true miracle, and a true Godsend. I still take maintenance doses but I feel it’s helping my future health in more ways than I even realize. At this moment, I’m walking on the treadmill 30 minutes a day, lifting weights and doing yoga. I plan to increase this as I continue to get stronger and stronger.
Over time I realized the tetanus vaccine was what nearly killed me and brought out the Lyme with a severity I can’t describe. [8]
I recently contacted Annette for an update about her condition. I will share her progress report later in this article.
Homeopathy Compared to Conventional Medical Care
Allopathic medical care is currently the dominant system of healthcare in North America and Europe. When most people think of healthcare American style, with its drugs, surgeries, and expensive diagnostic equipment and procedures, they are thinking of allopathic medicine.
The healthcare system known as homeopathy is completely different from allopathic medicine. Homeopaths think differently about health and illness. Their understanding of illness and how to bring about a cure stands in direct opposition to the practice of allopathic medicine. In fact, one of the reasons that the allopathic physicians formed the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1847 was to destroy the practice of homeopathy. [9] Many allopathic physicians were switching over to homeopathy at that time, and the financial interests of allopathic physicians were being threatened.
Homeopaths see physical functioning, emotional functioning, and mental functioning as a unified system. Homeopaths would never consider treating one aspect of a person while ignoring everything else. For example, they would not treat a physical symptom without exploring symptoms that are occurring in the emotional realm or mental realm.
Richard Moskowitz, M. D. – Image source
Dr. Richard Moskowitz, MD, made the transition from being an allopathic physician to being a homeopathic physician. He describes his role as a homeopath. He stated:
The art of caring for the sick transcends merely assembling information and doling out treatment, which may not work or even be chosen properly until an appropriate setting and healing relationship are created for them. As much as whatever we do to them, those afflicted with pain, suffering, and disability seek relationships of trust with friends, loved ones, and professionals,
1) to help them make sense out of what is happening to them;
2) to help them construct a working mythology of their illness;
3) to help them discover and navigate a safe passage through it; and
4) to help them envision a life beyond it, insofar as possible. [10]
On the other hand, allopathic medicine emphasizes diagnosis followed by drugs and surgical procedures to treat the symptoms of disease. It uses vaccines with the hope of preventing infectious diseases for which it has no successful treatment or cure.
Allopathic medicine uses substances (drugs) that eliminate symptoms by suppressing them. The disappearance of symptoms is associated with successful treatment. Multiple symptoms that are observed at the same time for a patient might be seen as part of a single disease, but commonly, the symptoms might be seen as several unrelated diseases.
Allopathic Approach to Illness
Physicians’ Desk Reference for FDA approved drugs.
Consider this example:
A man goes to an allopathic doctor with chest congestion. The doctor diagnoses him as having bronchitis. The doctor then asks if the man is having any other problems. He tells the doctor that he has itching feet. He also says that he keeps waking up at 2:00 a.m. and remains awake until 4:00 every morning no matter what he does. Finally, he confesses that he keeps having anxiety attacks while he is at work.
In the worst case scenario, the allopathic doctor might prescribe an antibiotic for his bronchitis. He also might prescribe sleeping pills for his disturbed sleeping pattern, an antianxiety medication for his uncontrolled anxiety, and a medicated foot powder for his itchy feet. He received four prescriptions for four different diagnosed illnesses. Each prescription is designed to attack and destroy a specific symptom that was described by the patient.
If everything works as the allopathic doctor intends, then the symptoms will all disappear and the man will be considered to have been successfully treated. If symptoms do not disappear or new ones appear, then additional medications will be tried. The goal is simply the alleviation of symptoms.
Homeopathic Approach to Illness
Page from the 6th century Vienna Dioscurides, an illuminated version of the 1st century De Materia Medica. Source: Wikimedia
A homeopath will approach the same man and his collection of symptoms differently. He will ask many questions during an interview that could take one to two hours. He will investigate the lung congestion by asking the person to describe the cough. When does it occur, how long does it last, how does it feel, etc. He will ask about the itchy feet. How do your feet smell, is the itching worse at a certain time of the day, do you have itching problems elsewhere in your body, etc.? Regarding the sleeping problem, he might be asked if there are certain thoughts or feelings that he is experiencing when he wakes during the night. Does he have persistent dreams or physical symptoms when he wakes up? He might be asked to describe his mental state during the hours when he is awake. The situation with anxiety would be explored in detail to learn how and when it occurs. Who is involved? When does it happen? Where does it happen? Does it occur at certain times of the day or evening? What is he doing when the anxiety flairs up, etc.?
The homeopath is not usually attempting to give the patient a diagnosis. Rather, the homeopath is simply trying to assemble a distinctive set of symptoms that perfectly describe the person’s over-all state of illness. In other words, how does the patient’s condition depart from his view of health?
A homeopath who uses classical homeopathy will then begin the process of finding a single homeopathic remedy that would treat the entire set of symptoms. Sometimes homeopaths use multiple remedies at the same time when there is severe vaccine damage. Homeopathic remedies are selected on the basis of their ability to produce the same symptoms in a healthy person that the ill person is experiencing. The principle that Dr. Hahnemann (the creator of homeopathy) discovered in the late 1790s was that substances which have the ability to produce the same set of symptoms that a person is experiencing will actually be highly effective in stimulating the person’s body to heal itself from those symptoms. This is called the Law of Similars.
Homeopathy is Gentle and Powerful
Homeopathy does not wage war on disease and seek to destroy the symptoms of disease through brute force. It does not bring substances into the body as is done with allopathic drugs, for the purpose of doing hand to hand combat against disease. Instead, homeopathy and its remedies are intended to gently stimulate and strengthen the body so that it can overcome illness through its own vital force and strength. Homeopathic remedies restore the natural ability of the body to defend itself against illness and to heal itself. When this happens, a person is truly cured of what ails him.
Homeopathic author and teacher, Kate Birch states:
The success of homeopathy is a result of treatment directed at improving the defense mechanism’s ability to defend itself rather than eradicating the offending agents. In contrast to natural disease, we now find a multitude of human-made diseases that come from the use of toxic medications, suppressive medications, vaccinations, antibiotics, artificial foods, pollution, and nuclear waste in our environment; all are agents that act as interventions, debilitations, or suppressions to our natural defense mechanism.
Because of this the health of successive generations has become weaker and weaker. The ability to produce curative responses to the influences in the environment has been thwarted. No longer do we have the strength to react unabated to acute disease.
We rely on toxic external medicaments to control the symptoms and suffer the long-term consequences of chronic disease. In order to preserve our health we must first have the ability to respond to acute disease. Present day medical practitioners have failed to recognize this trend, are at a loss to explain it, and are unable to adapt their system of medicine to address it. In contrast to suppressive or palliative measures, homeopathic medicine (through the Law of Similars) aims to reduce one’s susceptibility through the production of a curative defensive response, which removes the disease. [11]
Illness, from the homeopathic point of view, represents a disturbance in the fundamental energy system of a person. The vital force that keeps a person alive has been damaged, weakened, or disordered, and it needs to be restored so that the person can be cured of his or her illness. Homeopathic remedies are intended to remind the body of its normal functioning, so that it can be restored to strength and vitality. Such restoration will occur at the physical, emotional, and mental levels.
Allopathic Drugs and Side Effects
When allopathic physicians use drugs, there are often many unwanted side effects. Pharmaceutical manufacturers create drugs which are designed to destroy a certain unwanted symptom. However, their drugs also create other symptoms which are called side effects. If the side effects are less troublesome than the original symptom, then the patient will be reasonably happy and the allopathic physician will feel that he has successfully treated his patient. If the side effects are unacceptable to the patient, then the doctor will search for another drug that will destroy the unwanted symptom while producing a different set of side effects. This process continues until the patient stops complaining about side effects or the allopathic physician prescribes additional drugs to eliminate the unacceptable side effects.
In most cases, the suppression of symptoms by allopathic treatment ultimately produces other long-term chronic illnesses. For example, children who are taken to the doctor with childhood eczema will often be treated with cortisone creams. Doctors might warn parents that asthma often develops in children who have eczema. The truth is that the cortisone treatment does not cure the eczema, even though it might appear to disappear from the skin. In actuality, the disease process that produced the eczema is driven deeper into the body and reappears later (in a year or so) as asthma. The cortisone did not cure anything, it just transformed the symptom of skin dysfunction into a more serious disease of respiration, which can be life threatening. [12]
Allopathic drugs and treatments do not have a positive effect upon the vital force in the body. They do not improve the strength of a person, and they do not provide for physical, emotional, or mental renewal. Rather, they just suppress symptoms, and add side effects.
Homeopathy Releases Disease
Homeopathic remedies do not drive diseases deeper into the body. Rather, they help the body overcome or eliminate the disease. Thus, after a symptom of disease is overcome, the body is healthier and stronger than it had been.
Sometimes toxins need to be removed from the body before healing can occur. There can sometimes be a temporary aggravation or intensification of symptoms while toxins are being excreted from the body and the person’s vital forces are being strengthened. When this is completed, then the person will be stronger and will feel renewed.
The selection of a homeopathic remedy is not based on a disease diagnosis, but on the specific collection of symptoms that are being revealed in an individual person’s illness. The more unique the symptoms, the more likely it will be for the homeopath to find the best possible remedy for the person. Remedies are matched to each individual person by their complete collection of symptoms, and not to a particular disease diagnosis.
How is Annette Doing Today?
Annette shared the following information with me when I asked her for an update about her condition. She has been continuing with her homeopathic treatments. She stated:
Since I posted my testimonial [in January of 2014], I have been getting gradually, slowly better.
I can walk one or two miles a day, and sometimes break into a little run for a bit. My goal is to run at least a half hour a day.
I can lift some weights and do a little yoga each day.
I work as a realtor, so I’m blessed to set my own work schedule. I don’t go into the office early in the morning, but I do go in every day and sometimes work weekends.
I plan to stay on homeopathy for a while, perhaps a few more years, and on some kind of maintenance probably for the rest of my life, if I need to. I also take along with the homeopathic meds, a supplement that is colloidal silver. Since the tetanus shot, I am extremely sensitive to everything, so I take just one drop of colloidal silver every other day, and I take a homeopathic medicine about once a week. I cannot do without those two things, and it seems one does not work without the other for me.
I still have a ways to go. I am extremely sensitive to electronic devices and gadgets: computers of all kinds, anything that is electronic that is new and that I’m not used to. It’s very aggravating. My old TV broke and I can’t tolerate the new flat screen TV’s. So, I had to get a used old [style] TV.
My diet is extremely limited. Foods bother me. I just eat boiled ground chicken, steamed veggies and quinoa.
I cannot wear new clothes. The chemicals in the new clothes bother me.
If I have to stand in a long line anywhere, I have a cane that turns into a seat. In the past, I had to use this cane everywhere I went. Now I use it less and less and less.
However, I know, and I do feel this intuitively, that all of the above sensitivities will resolve themselves once my body is stronger and I am able to run, and work out physically a bit more.
I feel (and I can’t prove it) that the vaccination harmed my liver so very badly, that it’s not working properly to protect me from these things like it does for the average healthy person. [13]
Annette Liberty (far right) with friends.
In my opinion, Annette’s recovery is spectacular. It was the allopathic medical system and its vaccines that brought her to the point of total disability. It was the allopathic medical system, which is controlled by pharmaceutical companies, that left her to languish with her disability. They had nothing to offer Annette after they destroyed her health with their vaccines. It was ultimately homeopathy that returned her to the level of health she enjoys today. She is not totally cured yet, but she has hope. Her progress has been amazing despite the challenges that remain.
Annette told me, “It is my prayer, that what I have learned to help me recover, will help many more people recover themselves.” To that prayer, I must say, “Amen!”
How are Homeopathic Remedies Made and Taken?
Most homeopathic remedies are made from plants, mineral, and animal products. If the substance is soluble in water or alcohol, then it is dissolved in these liquids. If the substance is not soluble, then it is ground into an extremely fine powder with milk sugar and is processed in a slightly different method. Regardless of the original substance, it goes through a series of sequential dilutions.
For example, 1 drop of the original liquid solution is put into a glass vial. Nine drops of water/alcohol are then added to the vial and then the sealed glass vial is succussed (shaken). The succussion of the vial is not a random shaking, but involves a forceful slapping of the vial against a solid object. Dr. Hahnemann originally took the vial in his hand and forcefully slammed it down on a leather covered Bible that he had on a table. The repeated slamming or succussing of the vial activates subtle changes in the solution. Succussion is a necessary step for the creation of the remedy. Succussion is believed to cause restructuring of the water/alcohol at the molecular level. [14]
After the succussion of the first vial is completed, 1 drop of the liquid from that vial is added to an empty vial and nine drops of water/alcohol are added. The vial is succussed again. This process is repeated until the desired number of dilutions is reached.
A homeopathic remedy that is called “6X” or “6D” has gone through 6 dilutions. Other dilution ratios are also used such as 1 drop being added to 99 drops of water or alcohol, which makes “C” potencies. There are also remedies that have a dilution ratio of one drop to 50,000 drops of water/alcohol. These highly diluted remedies are called “LM” potencies. [15]
The final homeopathic potency is used to coat tiny sugar pills, which are then used for treatment. When the pills are taken, they are placed under the tongue so they can dissolve. Sometimes they are dissolved in water and swallowed.
Different potencies of the same substance produce different effects. The remedies can be given daily, or on a less frequent schedule depending on the need of the client. Sometimes only one small dose is given, which completely cures the illness.
How do Homeopathic Remedies Work?
Kate Birch RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT – testifying against Minnesota Department of Health proposed vaccine rule changes in a public hearing held June 27, 2013. Source: YouTube
Homeopath, Kate Birch gives more insight into the way homeopathic remedies work in the human body. She states:
The system of homeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures like.” A substance’s ability to treat a disease has its power in the ability to produce a disturbance similar to that disease. The more homeopathic (similar) a substance is to the symptom(s) in question, the greater its potential to cure the condition. Symptoms are understood to be a manifestation of a disturbance in the vital force; they are not the problem but the answer to the problem. Taking away the symptoms without treating the problem will result in the vital force finding a different avenue to express the problem. The goal of homeopathic treatment is to support the vital force in its wisdom to create balance. [16]
In the case of Annette, the allopathic physicians did not have a drug that could take away her paralysis and extreme fatigue/weakness. They were not able to think in terms of how they might strengthen her vital force so that healing could occur.
Kate Birch continues with her discussion of homeopathic healing. She states:
Every medicinal substance has a primary action and a secondary action. The primary action is what the substance does to the person. The secondary action is what the vital force does in response to the substance. In material doses (substances in crude form), the secondary action to a substance is usually in equal and opposite force to its primary action. The process of potentization reduces the primary action, while the secondary action of the vital force is increased. The higher the potency the less significant the primary action is and the greater the secondary action is. [17]
Thus, the greater the number of times that a substance is diluted, the greater will be its ability to help restore the damaged energetic patterns (vital force) in the body, which is causing the symptoms of illness.
Undiluted substances, such as pharmaceutical drugs, treat symptoms by suppressing them, which does not bring healing to the energetic patterns of illness in the body. The result is that the vital force or energetic pattern will simply express itself with a different set of symptoms after the drug has been taken. The drug will suppress symptoms and the vital force will manifest different symptoms as a result. If the drug is discontinued, then the original symptoms usually return.
When Annette was taking antibiotics for three and a half years with minimal improvement, she was simply maintaining the status quo. Her vital force was stuck in the Lyme disease pattern, and antibiotics could not get her out of it.
The highly diluted homeopathic remedies are intended to express a stronger effect upon the vital force in the body. They will have a slight effect on physical symptoms, and usually produce a slight intensification of the symptoms for a short while. The intensification of symptoms is a sign that the remedy is a good match for the illness. During the time of intensification, a healing at the energetic level will take place. The person will rally the forces needed to overcome the illness to some degree. Sometimes the illness will be completely overcome, and sometimes additional doses of the remedy will be needed. Sometimes a different potency will be required to finish the healing process, or as the symptoms change, a different remedy will be needed.
When Annette started taking the homeopathic remedy, she had an intensification of symptoms, which was followed by an improvement in health after the antibiotics were discontinued.
Does Homeopathy Work Because of the Placebo Effect?
Critics of homeopathy claim that the effectiveness of homeopathy is caused by the placebo effect. They claim that the sugar pills are nothing but sugar, and any healing that does occur is the result of people simply wanting to be better.
A 2010 study confirmed that homeopathic remedies were able to disrupt the cellular division of human breast cancer cells and produce cytotoxic effects in laboratory experiments. The homeopathic remedies, Carcinosin, Phytolacca, Conium, and Thuja were each able to kill human breast cancer cells in laboratory tests. These homeopathic remedies were also used to treat normal breast cells. They did not harm healthy tissue and actually strengthened the cells. The homeopathic remedies also stimulated the production of substances that would naturally inhibit the growth of cancer. [20]
Since these experiments were treating cells in a petri dish, there was no possibility of the placebo effect. The cancer cells were not expecting to die from the homeopathic remedies, and the healthy breast cells didn’t know that they were intended to become stronger or become more resistant to cancerous growth.
A German study with pigs compared the use of pharmaceutical drugs and homeopathic remedies for preventing respiratory infections. A total of 1440 pigs were divided into four groups. One group received a combination of homeopathic remedies mixed in with their normal feed. The second group received antibiotics and other allopathic drugs in a routine low prophylactic dose. The third group received a high therapeutic dose of the standard blend of allopathic drugs that would be used to treat cases of respiratory infections. The fourth group was the control. They were not treated, just fed their normal diet.
Amy L. Lansky, PhD –
Amy Lansky explains the results of this study in Chapter 7 of her book. She stated:
The results of this study were startling: homeopathic treatment was far superior to prophylactic doses of antibiotics in preventing respiratory disease. Prophylactic allopathic treatment made it only 11 percent less likely [than control] that the pigs would become sick. But homeopathic remedies made it 40 percent less likely. When the allopathic drugs were raised to therapeutic levels, it became 70 percent less likely that the pigs would become diseased. Now, it is clearly impossible to keep farmed animals medicated at high levels of antibiotics all of the time. Even at lower prophylactic levels, the entrance of these drugs into the food chain has become a societal health problem. This study showed that homeopathy provides a much safer and more effective solution than prophylactic antibiotics. [21]
Amy Lansky concludes her remarks about the pig study by stating:
I believe it is animal studies like this one that provide the most compelling proof of the effectiveness of homeopathy. Can anyone seriously believe that pigs taking remedies in their feeding trough are getting well because of the placebo effect? [22]
Success in Healing Autism
Cindy L. Griffin – Homeopathy Center of Houston
Homeopath, Cindy Griffin, consultant, author, educator, and cofounder of the Homeopathy Center of Houston, describes their success with curing children who have been diagnosed with autism. They use the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) with their clients to measure progress. If there is healing, then there should be improvements in behavior and a reduction in the need for special care. This is exactly what happens to many of the severely disabled children they help.
She stated:
We see behavioral, cognitive, communication and academic improvements across the board. We have a fairly strict definition of what we call recovered.
Children with autism are fully recovered when they look like normal children of their age. Sometimes they may have a little social and academic catch-up to do, but typically they do it at warp speed.
As of 2015, we have over 100 children who are no longer autistic nor do they have PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections). These children are not dependent on supplements or special diets. They do not have educational aids in school, special education classes, therapists, and are not receiving special accommodations in school. [23]
Finding a Homeopath who can Treat Vaccine Damage
Sometimes it may take some effort to find a homeopath who has the training and/or experience that you are seeking. You may need to interview a few homeopaths before deciding who will be the best person to help with vaccine damage. Be up front with the homeopaths. Tell them your needs and ask if they have experience working with other people who have vaccine damage. It is OK to ask if they were successful in helping other vaccine damaged clients recover.
Kate Birch – Vaccine Injury and the Role of Homeopathy
Kate Birch describes the challenge of using homeopathy to treat vaccine related illnesses. She stated:
In order to treat vaccine damage effectively with homeopathy, a homeopath must be able to understand the varying distinctions between the underlying health of the person, the diseases in the vaccinations, the responses of the vital force to the vaccinations, and the resultant complex disease state. [24]
Information about Kate Birch’s books and training is available here:
Vaccine Free: Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccination
Homeopathic Classes
Vaccine Injury and the Role of Homeopathy
Kate Birch also recommends homeopaths who use CEASE [Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression] therapy. This is one of the types of homeopathic treatment that is used for people with vaccine damage.
CEASE Therapy
In a phone conversation with Kate Birch, she explained that homeopathy can be very helpful for many types of vaccine damage. Sadly, she noted that damage from HPV vaccine is the most difficult to treat. She wants people to understand that injuries from HPV vaccines are deep and insidious, and difficult to clear. She explained that HPV vaccines cause progressive and debilitating neurological injury to the point of death. [25]
Amy Lansky – The Impossible Cure
Amy Lansky has a website for her book Impossible Cure, which was set up for people who want additional information about using homeopathy to help with vaccine injury.

Thursday, 4 January 2018

Homeopathy & and it's History

Monday, 22 August 2016

Homeopathy & Its History


The word Homeopathy is a Greek  derivation, in which “Homoios” means  
Similar  and “ Pathos”  means Sufferings. The system of medicine was discovered by a German Doctor named Samuel Christian Frederick Hahenemann  in 1790. It is based on a natural law of cure known as  Similia Similibus  Curenteur which means “ Let likes to be Treated by Likes.” as advocated by

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine wrote 24 centuries ago:

“Disease is produced by similar and by similar administered the patient is restored to health, thus that which produces strangury cures strangury that which causes vomiting cures vomiting”
Basil Valentine in 1394
“ Likes ought to be removed by likes and not by contrariries”
Paracelsus of in the 16th century:
“Never has a febrile disease been cured by cold, not cold disease by heat , it is the like that cures the like.”
Dan Stahl in the 17th century
“The admitted rule in the medicine to treat diseases by remedies contrary or opposed to these symptoms which they present is completely false and absurd. I am convinced on the contrary that diseases yield to agent which causes a like affection. Similia Similibus”

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was born in Meissen on 10th April, 1755. At the age of 24 he did his Doctorate in Medicine from the Erlangen University. He had been a gifted personality throughout the period of his adventurous life. Apart from being a Doctor of Medicine, he had a vast knowledge of other subjects like Mineralogy, Chemistry, Botany, Pharmacology and Pharmacy. Besides German being his own language, he also knew Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French and other Arabian languages.Master Hahnemann was a very kind hearted man of his age. He had great faith in his religion and in the mercy of the God. He was the worshipper of  truth and was not used to accept the saying of others until he himself could verify the truth in it.

He was a keen observer and that is the reason that he could succeed in the discovery of homeopathic system of medicine.

During the days of Hahnemann , the practice of medicine was a pretty crude affair, consisting mainly of bleeding, purging and blistering which had a basis of the speculative principles of orthodox medicine founded by Hippocrates. Having obtained his degree in medicine, Hahnemann remained in busy practice in various states of Germany for about ten years.

During this period he  had adequate experience of the miserable condition of the practices of medicine. He was very much depressed and felt that he was doing his patients and his family more harm than good by treating them according to the accepted medical practice of his days. Consequently he had  bade  good-bye to his practice and decided to earn his livelihood by translating medical books from one language to another. In a short time he began to earn both name and fame and his income also started increasing day by day.

It was in the year 1790, when he was translating Cullen’s Materia Medica, he came across Cullen’s definition about Cinchona (Peruvian Bark) that it has the properties of  curing  Ague (malarial fever). How could the master mind  Hahnemann could readily accept this definition! He wanted to know exactly as to how Cinchona is only curative for malaria. So, he made a decoction of theCinchona and started taking its large doses at regular interval. To his great astonishment that one day the complete symptom of malarial fever appeared in him in the order-first Chill, then Heat and finally Sweat! What a fine picture of malaria which he used to treat during his practice! But was he still satisfied?  No, not the least. This experiment completely changed the mind of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. He started testing the effect of Cinchona in the same manner on his family members and friends, and found the exact similarity in the symptom presented by all of them. He was satisfied with this and concluded that a drug which is capable of producing the disease-like symptoms in a healthy person can only prove curative in a patient if the symptoms of the patient have a similarity to the symptoms which are produced by a drug in the healthy person. Thus, the year 1790 started a new era in the history of medicine when the first foundation stone of Homeopathy was laid down. This is what we call the Law of Similars or Similia Similibus Curentur or Let Likes to be treated by Likes.

Encouraged by the experiment ofCinchona, Hahnemann started proving of other drugs which were at time as specifics for certain other diseases, such as  Belladonna for scarlet fever, Ipecac for vomiting, Drosera for whooping cough etc, etc, and the results were beyond his expectations as the symptoms produced by these drug in healthy persons were quite similar to those of the symptoms found in the patients suffering from these diseases. Not only this but they also produced many other characteristic symptoms on the basis of which it has been possible to use these remedies for various other types of  ailments. By and by he developed a new materia medica on  the basis of the totality of symptoms produced by different drugs in healthy persons, on himself, friends and family members, disciples and colleagues and were $made known to the world in his monumental works known as MATERIA MEDICA PURA and the CHRONIC DISEASES, both containing over one hundred medicines.

By degrees his labour took definite form for the employment of his new system of medicine, and in the year 1796 his thesis on Homeopathy appeared in the Hufeland’s s Journal for the first time which was not a doctrine itself but almost limited to ‘to employ the remedy in a disease which is found from observation to produce the nearest possible resembling to it when in health.’  This was however possible only in 1808 when  Hahnemann started his teachings and published the real doctrine of Homeopathy in the book named “ORGANON OF THE HEALING ART” in the year 1810. Five editions of the “ORGANON”  were published during the life-time of Hahnemann but sixth edition was published after his death renaming it as ORGANON OF MEDICINE.

The discovery of Homeopathy was an open challenge for the then prevalent orthodox system of medicine. This brought a revolution in the existing, medicine in Europe, and Dr. Hahnemann had to face great criticism and opposition form the medical profession in Germany. He chose to settle in France. The ruler of France provided him with all facilities for the research and development in the field of Homeopathy, Dr. Hahnemann made full use of  it till his death on 2nd July 1843 in Paris at the ripe age of 88 years

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Saturday, 2 December 2017

Homeopathy. What is it?

What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine developed by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician in the early 1800s.  He discovered that the same substance that could cause a reaction in a healthy person could also be a remedy for someone suffering from similar symptoms.

That is the basic premise of homeopathy: “like cures like.”  It may seem hard to believe, yet the approach to vaccination used in Western medicine is a similar one, albeit one that is fraught with potential side effects, unlike homeopathy which is completely safe.

Homeopathy is a natural, holistic, approach to healing a person, using minute doses of specific remedies, rather than simply eliminating a particular symptom using a Band-Aid approach.  Unlike many health models, the model for homeopathy is one of individualization.  No two people are alike, so just because two people suffer from headaches, the homeopathic remedies provided for them may be completely different.

The Benefits of Homeopathic Medicine
There are many benefits of homeopathic medicine, including:

1. It can be used by pregnant and nursing women;

2. It can be used by children and infants;

3. It does not interfere with medications taken by a person;

4. If an incorrect remedy is selected, it is completely safe and will not harm the person at all;

5. Other than occasional, mild, and short-lived symptom aggravations which pass quickly and tend to be followed by improvements in the symptoms of a person, there are no side-effects of homeopathic remedies.  This symptom aggravation is actually regarded by homeopaths as a sign that the correct homeopathic remedy has been selected and usually results in symptom improvements;

6. It can be used for chronic or acute conditions;

7. It is an individualized system of medicine which treats the person, not merely the symptoms.  The symptoms, however, are addressed when using this approach and are typically improved;

8. Homeopathy is a holistic approach to healing:  one that involves the body, mind, emotions, and spirit of the person being treated;

9. Homeopathic remedies are readily available and can, therefore, be used by anyone;

10. Homeopathic remedies are typically inexpensive and therefore provide an affordable approach to healing;

11. Homeopathic remedies can be stored for long periods of time;

12. Homeopathic medicine is non-invasive; and

13. There are many studies proving the effectiveness of homeopathy, when used correctly.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Homeopathic Consultation

Homeopathic Consultation

The practice of homeopathy is markedly different from conventional medicine in that it aims to find the substance that encourages the body to heal itself naturally. Symptoms are the body's response to a disease process and collectively they can lead an experienced homeopath to prescribe a substance that will actually cause these same symptoms in a healthy patient.

Hippocrates taught that like cures like, the main theory behind the action of homeopathic remedies. A properly chosen remedy will resonate with the body's efforts to return to balance, or homeostasis. One of the early masters of the practice of medicine, Aristotle, taught his students that “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” urging them to treat the patient, not the disease.

According to patient studies, or provings and the meticulous notes of Hahnemann, other early and modern day homeopaths, as well as millions of people over the past 200+ years, a well trained homeopath can often treat conditions, improve quality of life and even cure conditions for which there is no cure.

Many experienced homeopaths have first studied and practiced conventional "western medicine", then studied homeopathy for an additional few years (up to four or more). In order to practice homeopathy in the United States, a homeopath must pass a rigorous written licensing exam. As is the case with conventional medical doctors, not every homeopathic doctor is a "fit" for every patient. Find one who you feel is the most qualified. Additionally, there is nothing to stop you from asking questions about their expertise. Many people join homeopathy study groups, either locally or online. I encourage you to do so if you want to self-treat for minor health challenges such as minor stomach upsets, bruises, motion sickness, bee stings, etc.

Want to learn more about homeopathy? Want to know more? Put your toes in the water HERE

An initial consultation, or first visit, to a homeopath usually takes up to two or two-and-a-half hours and will most likely include, but may not be limited to, these questions:

1. What is your chief complaint (CC)?

2. When did this problem begin? What happened in your life around that time? What do u think caused it?

3. What aggravates the CC? (certain types of foods or weather,movement,light,noise,heat/cold, or anything else that you can think of )

4. At what time of the day or night is CC the worst ?specify an hour if you can

5. What symptoms can you identify the accompany the CC?

6. Which position do you dislike the most; sitting, standing, and lying?

7. Do you perspire a great deal? if so, when and where on the body >(feet,head,hair,armpits,etc)

8. What time of day tends to be a down time for u?

9. What do you worry about how do you deal with worries?

10. Do you tend to be neater and more fastidious than those around you, more casual?

11. Do you cry easily? in what situations

12. When you are upset, do you tend to tell a lot of people or keep it to yourself?

13. On what occasions do you feel despair?

14. In what circumstances do you feel jealous?

15. When and on what occasions do you feel frightened ?any fears ?(darkness. being alone,altitude,flying,elevators

16. What is the greatest grief’s that you have gone through your life? How did you react?

17. What are the greatest joys you have had in your life?

18. In what situations do you feel the blues, depressed, sad, and pessimistic?

19. What bothers you most in the other public ?how if at all, do u express

20. Do you have lack of self-confidence and poor sense of self worth?

21. Do you have any recurring dream? What is the dream?

22. What would you need to feel happy?

23. What do u do for work,(ideally, what would to you like to do )

24. If you had an expected week from work, and 1000 what would you do?

25. How do other people view you?

26. What would you like to change most about yourself?

27. How do you feel before, during and after meals? How do you feel if you go without a meal?

28. What would you most like to eat (if you did not have to consider calories, fat, anything you have read about the right way to eat)?

29. What foods do you dislike and refuse to eat?

30. How much do you drink in a day? Includes soda, juice, coffee, tea, milk, and alcoholic beverages as well as water .how much thirsty you feel?

31. What hours do you sleep? Do you tend to wake up at particular time? Why? What makes you restless or sleepy?

32. Do you do anything during sleep ?(speak,laugh,shrick,toss about, grind your teeth, snore)

33. How do you feel in the morning?

34. No. of pregnancies, no of children, no of miscarriages, no of abortions

35. At what age did your menses begin? If you have gone through menopause, at what age?

36. How frequently do they (or did they) come?

37. What about their duration, abundance, color, time of day when flow is greatest; any odor or clots?

38. How do you (did you) feel before, during and after menses?

39. What medications are you taking at present?

40. How frequently do you get colds and flu’s?

41. Have you had any childhood illness twice, or in a very severe form, or after puberty?

42. Have you had vacations since the standard childhood ones? Have you ever had an adverse or unusual reaction to vaccination?

43. Have you had any surgery? What and when?

44. Have you had at anytime (mention year); what therapy was given?

a) Warts: where? When? How treated?

b) Cysts: where? When? How treated?

c) Polyps: where? When? How treated?

d) Tumors: where? When? How treated?

45. Do you tend to have any discharges (nasal, vaginal, etc)? color, consistency:

46. Sensitivity:

a) Do you tend to need a smaller dose of medications than most other people?

b) Do you need fewer anesthesias than others, or have a hard time coming out of it?

c) Do you tend to react to vitamins and herbs and/or need hypoallergenic vitamins?

d) Are you sensitive to paint fumes, exhaust, dry cleaning fluid, fragrances, etc.?

47. Family history: mention diseases, causes and ages of deaths of father,mother,sisters,brothers and grandparents on both sides

48. What else would you like to tell me about yourself or your condition?